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The range of remote sensing data and powerful analysis tools is constantly increasing. As a result, forests can be recorded more frequently and in greater detail. In order for this potential to be used more effectively in practice and to achieve actual added value, practical tools and the provision of needs-based information are required. This requires an intensive exchange between research and practice.
Use-Cases Waldmonitoring
On this page, the results of the research project Use of remote sensing data in forest operations and forest services based on specific use cases are presented, which was commissioned by the University of Applied Sciences for Agricultural, Forest and Food Sciences BFH-HAFL Support of the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) and KARTEN-WERK GmbH was carried out. The main objective of the project was the implementation of map viewers and geospatial services (for an explanation see eg here) for concrete use cases with existing ones, if possible freely available remote sensing data. 3 Use Cases were worked out in close cooperation with representatives from practice, and the information, data and results were made available as required.
As part of the follow-up project "Knowledge transfer remote sensing for forestry practice" running until August 2021, the current solution is now being expanded in terms of scope and quality. In addition, use in practice should be significantly increased through improved documentation, more intensive exchange and the development of a community. Among other things, it is possible to document specific Examples for Application for the effective use of the data and tools. Interested parties will also find suitably prepared Remote Sensing Fundamentals, and there is the opportunity to provide information about further Tools or interesting Events .
Use cases forest monitoring
Basics of remote sensing
A cooperation of BFH-HAFL and BAFU |